Install R packages from this Debian repository

Configure repository

Add the repository to your configuration (e.g., /etc/apt/sources.list.d/other-undocumeantit.list ):

 # for binary packages:
 deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/undocumeantit-keyring.gpg] unstable main
 # for source packages:
 deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/undocumeantit-keyring.gpg] unstable main

You might have to temporarily replace deb with deb [trusted=yes] in your other-undocumeantit.list file until after you installed the following keyring package, or apt might refuse to install it because it doesn't know the included OpenPGP key yet. Make sure you remove the [trusted=yes] after the keyring was successfully installed!

Add OpenPGP key

To be able to make use of secure apt, install the repository's OpenPGP keyring package:

 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install undocumeantit-keyring

Install packages

You can then install the package:

 sudo apt install r-other-undocumeantit-korpus.lang.en

Manual download

In case you'd rather like to download the package manually, here it is:

Package source code:

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