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Package repositories

This GitHub repository offers ready to install builds of some of my R projects. More precisely, the l10n repository hosts various language support packages for the sylly package. While sylly itself was released on CRAN, unfortunately its language packages could not be published there as well.


To directly install one of the language packages, i.e., support for German, call:

install.packages("", repo="")

It is recommended to add to your list of available R package repositories if you are using either the sylly package or koRpus, which depends on sylly and some of its language packages. For example, you can acheive this by adding the following to a local .Rprofile file:

options(repos=c(getOption("repos"), l10n=""))

That way, you will automatically receive stable updates once they’re released here, and installation of packages is also more straight forward:


If you’re running a Debian based operating system, you might be delighted to learn that .deb packages are available as well.